Organize Your Time, Space, And Information In 90 Days OR LESS
WITHOUT Overwhelm
Are you constantly juggling tasks, struggling to keep your space clutter-free, or feeling buried under information overload? Imagine for a moment...
💡 Waking up each day knowing exactly what you need to focus on...
💡 Having a workspace that promotes clarity, creativity, and productivity...
💡 Leveraging streamlined information at your fingertips, so you never miss a beat...
All while leaving you ample time and energy to genuinely make a difference in the lives of your clients and building a legacy that truly matters.
Your ability to accomplish any task or goal is directly related to your ability to find what you need, when you need it.
The purpose of the Office Transformation™ Bootcamp is to get you started in creating your Command Center –a Productive Environment™ in your workspace that enables you to accomplish your work & enjoy your life.
During our work together, we will help you declutter your existing space and establish a SYSTEM that Saves You Space, Time, Energy & Money!
Create a Home Office for Business & Life™ in 5 Weeks so You Can Stay on Top of Important Tasks & Find Anything You File in Seconds
🌟 Why Professionals Are Raving About The Office Transformation™ Bootcamp:
✅ Customized Strategy: Whether you’re a seasoned consultant or a newly minted coach or small business owner, get a Productive Environment™ Gameplan plan tailored to YOU.
✅ Action-Taking System: Uncover secrets to managing your tasks & projects, so nothing falls through the cracks.
✅ Tame Your Paper Tiger: Declutter & transform your workspace into a haven of productivity.
✅ Information Transformation: Learn how to filter the noise, absorb the essentials, and utilize tools that keep your workspace in order and keep your business growing!
"I love the simplicity of the system and really the change in mindset..."
-Dina Weiss
The Best Part?
This isn’t just about organization. It’s about granting you the freedom and space to focus on what you do best: changing lives and building a legacy.
So, if you're ready to step into a realm of unparalleled focus, efficiency, and impact…
👉 Join The Office Transformation™ Bootcamp Today!
LIMITED SPOTS: Due to the personalized nature of this program, spots are limited. Reserve yours NOW!
Five Live Training Sessions providing Step-by-Step Instructions for Decluttering & Setting Up Your Command Center $1997 value
Software PLUS our proprietary Finding System Template! An online program & template that is part of the 'secret sauce' for finding anything you file in seconds! It's absolutely brilliant & life changing!
$197 value
Five Live Q&A + Co-Working (implementation!) Sessions $997 value
Access to Recordings of the Live Training Sessions, available for 30 days following the end of the 5-Week Bootcamp $390 value
Swiftfile Solution™ - a key component of your new Action System so that nothing falls through the cracks $69 value
Pre-printed File Labels for your new Action & Reference Files - you may NEVER have to print or write file labels again! $47 value
Q&A + Co-Working
Fri Aug 9 | 9a Pacific/11a Central/12p Eastern
In this Session, we'll set the stage for our work together! You'll choose a space to designate as your Command Center--aka your Home Office for the Business of Life™. You’ll learn the 6 Key Office Tools that every productive office must have. We’ll share exactly what we use and recommend to clients all over the world. You most likely have some of the 6 Tools already. We’ll simply fill in what’s missing so you know what you'll need to set up your System for success.
Next, it’s time for what we call The First Sort™ aka FLOW. You will learn the 3 initial decisions you must make about any piece of paper that is currently in your office, and any that come into your office in the future. Barbara Hemphill says “Clutter is Postponed Decisions®.” You will learn and implement a decision-making process that will help you quickly take control of all the information in your office. (This works for email & digital information too!)
You'll learn about 3 Types of Actions. Then, we’ll help you create an Action System that allows you to ACT on your To Do List without wasting time looking for important information.
This is the best part! You will learn a proprietary system for filing paper and information so that you can FIND it again. You'll learn our proprietary Productive Environment Finding System™. What good is a filing system if you can’t FIND what you need when you need it. This system is not taught by mainstream Professional Organizers. It’s unique, and it works!
We will build on what you learned in Weeks 1-4 and pull it all together, leaving you with a Productive Environment™ where you can find anything you filed in seconds -- helping you to accomplish your work AND enjoy your life!
Productive Environment Institute
Productive Environment Institute
Crown Point, IN
Are you in? 🌠
"The path is clear!"
"I cannot tell you what a relief it is to have had the kind of hands-on support I got with PEI, the tools to organize my files and to get rid of my piles; and although I'm still decluttering paper and organizing my files, the path is clear."
-Marlene, Social Worker/Therapist
"So helpful and non-judgmental."
"I am grateful for this journey and grateful for the people along the way! So helpful and non-judgmental. I have to believe things are exactly the way they are supposed to be. This excavating event is bringing on monumental feelings of excitement!"
-Kimberly, Business Owner
"The results have been a game-changer!"
"The results have been a game-changer for Mike and me! After years of "managing" paper piles around the house, I learned a different organizational system that's very simple. It's so wonderful NOT to have paper piles anymore and, instead, a new system where everything is easy to find, personal or business related."
-Dina, Business Owner
"This whole system flows together. It was simple!"
"This whole system flows together. It was simple, even though you have all this paperwork and it's overwhelming. The system itself is, it just flows so well and each step builds on the other one. And like the Magic 6™, that just that's one small piece of it, but it was huge for me because I didn't have anything like that in place before. So I think that's really important to have. I have a lot of different courses and all kinds of stuff too. I have notes and things everywhere and it's really overwhelming to me. So just having this system now in place is wonderful because now I can actually get down to knowing where everything is. And it's so simple. So, for me, it's a very exciting journey to be on and I'm looking forward to what the future's gonna hold with it because I can see if this is just the beginning, how far I've already come with just being organized, just this little piece of it. I really enjoy it."
-Tanya, Business Owner
You will get 5 weekly live trainings with me (Andrea), providing you with Step-by-Step instructions for decluttering and setting up what we like to call your command center. Plus, you’ll get 5 Live Q&A + Co-Working Sessions where you and your cohort (of 8-12 people) meet with me and/or one of our Certified Productive Environment Specialists virtually to implement everything you’re learning. This is where we get things done and the transformation happens! It’s also what prior participants have said is their favorite part of the bootcamp! You will get all your questions answered live. And you’ll get the guidance and support you need to take action and tailor it to work for you.
While The Office Transformation™ Bootcamp is a group program (with cohorts of 8-12 people) where you learn and implement together, you have the option to upgrade and add on a 1:1 VIP session with a Certified Productive Environment Specialist if you like having that additional support. Reach out to Andrea and let her know you'd like to explore this option.
NO! That is a hard no. We don’t do blame, shame, guilt trips, or yelling. This is a safe environment where we encourage, champion, support, and celebrate one another. We focus on progress not perfection. And if you feel like you’re struggling, we are here to gently guide you. We understand the emotional side of clutter and decluttering. We are in this WITH YOU! And I promise, we will make this FUN! We don’t do boring trainings. They’re interactive and actionable. This is a bootcamp you are going to want to show up to. You will be amazed at how far you will come in just 5 weeks. And as an added bonus, many of our participants become friends in the process.
The Office Transformation™ Bootcamp is 100% virtual so you can join us from anywhere! If you would like on-site support, send me an email and I can connect you with a Certified Productive Environment Specialist.
You will have access to the recordings of the Live Training Sessions for at least 30 days following the end of the 5-Week Bootcamp.
If you’re not able to pay the $997 right now, we also offer a payment plan of $367/mo for 3 months. You’ll see both those options on our checkout page. If you know you need this in your life and now is the time, we encourage you to be resourceful. How can you find the money? What expenses can you cut? What can you sell to get the money? Who could lend you the money? If you have a credit card, see if they offer an option to “pay over time.” Most credit card companies offer this now at 0% interest with a small monthly fee and monthly payments you make to them. The difference this Bootcamp will make in your life over the next 10, 20, and even 40+ years will be well worth it. Clutter impacts our nervous system, our focus, how well we sleep, our productivity, and our personal and professional relationships. You owe it to yourself to invest in you.
There will be recordings that you can watch on your own timing if you can’t make it to some of the live calls. If it’s a matter of not being able to attend this round, but you know you want to do it this year, enroll anyway. We can save your seat and lock in this special rate for a future Bootcamp. Seats are filled on a first come, first served basis. Space is limited due to the personalized nature of these classes.
Absolutely! It’s based on Barbara Hemphill’s 40+ years as a pioneer and leader in the organization industry. We know what works, what doesn’t, and why. We’ve had SO many people come to us and tell us they have tried to apply someone else’s system and it just didn’t work for them. But they RAVE about working with us because we tailor it to you! Our team will work with you to understand how you best operate and help you adapt the systems and processes to work for you!
Yes! The Office Transformation Bootcamp focuses on the first 5 steps of our 9-step process, which sets the stage by clearing your paper clutter and putting systems in place to manage your physical information so it doesn't continue to pile up in your workspace. You will then have a clear desk and clear mind to tackle the electronic information and other systems in the Digital Transformation Bootcamp, where we will do a deep dive into Email, Computer & Cloud Drives, Planning, Customer Relationship Management and Streamlined Systems to move your business forward in a way that frees up your time !If you have questions on this or you’re interested in Bundling the 2 Bootcamps together at a discounted rate, just let me know!
Join us for the freedom this could mean to you!
Have the tools and knowledge to make your workspace more inviting, a place you love to spend time in, with important tasks and papers in an easily findable and accessible location.
Productive Environment Institute
Carolina Beach, NC