Productive Environment Institute Blog

How to go from Overwhelmed to Optimized with PEI

Every year on January 1st there is a collective movement to get organized, healthy and become less stressed. Come February and March those goals are abandoned due to more “pressing” and “time sensitive” issues. But what if we did get organized and stay that way? We wouldn’t have to worry about hitting the reset button every January in an attempt to start what we didn’t accomplish the year before.

The same goals you set for getting organized in your home should be set for your business as well. PEI was created by Barbara Hemphill to help businesses become more productive and organized and less overwhelmed.

It’s time to stop staring at the clutter, tame the paper tiger and go from overwhelmed to optimized with these helpful tips and tricks.

Tip #1: The Art of Wastebasketry

It’s time to clear the clutter. Clutter can be overwhelming just by looking at the amount of information you have accumulated. You do not need to keep everything that comes across your desk. If you’re filing cabinets or as field as your desk then it’s time to learn the Art of Wastebasketry.

Go through every single paper that you have accumulated in your office and decide what needs to stay and what needs to go. Most likely you will find duplicates of paperwork that have already been scanned into your system and useless papers that hold no value in keeping any longer.

Bonus Tip: The same goes for your computer filing system. Organize your desktop with folders and place the corresponding documents in those folders. Having an organized desktop and online filing system will keep you from logging on and immediately wanting to log off when you get a glimpse of your desktop files.

How to go from Overwhelmed to Optimized with PEI

Tip #2: File for Purpose

Once you have gone through all the paperwork in your office space you will undoubtedly have papers that need to be saved and that hold value in keeping. Even companies that are going paperless still have some important paperwork that needs to be filed.

Our Swiftfile Solution System was created to help businesses better manage their time by organizing these items according to purpose and action needed to be taken.

Organize and set yourself up for success by placing important action items in our numbered and monthly folders that allow you to easily find and check on what needs to be done that day.

You can place birthday sheets with cards attached for each employee, phone messages that you need to return the next day, paperwork that needs signed or invoice and inventory reminders placed at the end of each week as a gentle reminder to get organized before signing off for the weekend.

This filing system eliminates the stacks of paper on your desk and keeps your workspace and mind free of clutter and open to more productivity.

How to go from Overwhelmed to Optimized with PEI

Tip #3 File - Act - Toss

Now that you’ve cleaned up the clutter and tamed the paper tiger it’s time to keep it that way! At the Productive Environment Institute we are professional organizers and we teach you how to create an organized business lifestyle and better time and paper management systems. Your time is valuable so stop wasting it with complex filing systems and going through mountains of paperwork just to find the ONE that you need.

90 Days to Boost Productivity

When you partner with PEI we will transform your organizational process and boost your productivity in just 90 days. We have created a 9 Step Process that takes you from overwhelmed to optimized in 3 months. 90 days to get organized and stay organized for the lifetime of your business is an incredible achievement that we pride ourselves on helping businesses accomplish. If you are ready to start clearing your mind and desk of clutter and kickstart your productivity give us a call to set up a consultation, we are ready to help you succeed.

Connect with us now!

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