About Us

Meet Barbara Hemphill!

In 1978, Barbara took out a $7 ad in a New York City newspaper to advertise her professional organizer business. For 20 years, she focused her business on organizing paper and physical clutter for home offices and organizations. Then the Internet Age came about, and she utilized her principles and expertise to help clients with digital clutter.

Over the past 40+ years Barbara has helped 1000's of companies, and became an icon and top expert in the industry. She has been featured on national media platforms such as Good Morning America, The Today Show and CNN Nightly News. She has also been showcased in publications including USA Today, New York Times, Fast Company, Reader’s Digest, Real Simple and Guideposts. She is currently a contributing writer for Formidable Woman magazine.

Less Clutter More Life

Physical and digital clutter is a symptom of spiritual and emotional clutter. It's time to find clarity and balance. Ready to go from overwhelmed to optimized?

About - ProductiveEnvironment USA
About - ProductiveEnvironment USA
About - ProductiveEnvironment USA
About - ProductiveEnvironment USA

Less Clutter More Life

Physical and digital clutter is a symptom of spiritual and emotional clutter. The journey to find clarity and balance starts now. Ready to go from overwhelmed to optimized?

Helping others find clarity in the chaos

Do you want to build a business where you can help your own clients create systems for time management and professional organization? Become a Certified Productive Environment Specialist™ (CPES)!

About - ProductiveEnvironment USA
About - ProductiveEnvironment USA

Helping others find clarity in the chaos

Do you want to build a business where you can help your own clients create systems for time management and professional organization? Become a Certified Productive Environment Specialist™ (CPES™)!

Everyone can accomplish their work and

enjoy their life with a productive environment.

Our mission is to help people eliminate the physical, digital, emotional,

and spiritual clutter that is holding them back from living their life.

About Andrea Anderson

Meet Andrea Anderson!

Andrea started her career in education before moving to work as an in-home family counselor helping troubled children and their families. Whether she knew it at the time or not, this was also the start of what would become her life's calling.

Though she found being a counselor gratifying, what called to her was the business's streamlining and organizational systems. Soon she found herself in the administrative offices and working as the operations manager. It was the perfect segue to meeting The Paper Tiger Lady. Shortly after, she graduated as one of Barbara's Certified Productive Environment Specialists™ and the rest is history!

Productive Environment Institute

is Born!

Productive Environment Institute

In 2008, Barbara and Andrea came together to create Productive Environment Institute. They both had a vision to expand on helping individuals get organized and increase productivity.

Together they teach and mentor Certified Productive Environment Specialists™ around the world, helping them start and build successful home-based businesses.

Productive Environment Institute

Productive Environment Institute © 2025
All rights reserved.