Productive Environment Blog

10-Minute Read Refresh | Karen Lynch

Take a few seconds to flip through each magazine, catalog, and book. You will need to create three piles: "Keep," "Read Later," and "Leaves the House" (Donate, Recycle, Give to a Friend, Return to the... ...more

Organizing and Learning to Organize

July 09, 20242 min read

10-Minute Read Refresh | Karen Lynch

Productivity Bites | Kathy Muzik

One of the most crucial yet often overlooked aspects of productivity is diet. The food we consume, our methods of preparing it, and our timing to eat it directly impact our energy levels, cognitive fu... ...more

Organizing and Learning to Organize

July 04, 20244 min read

Productivity Bites | Kathy Muzik

What is a System? And Why Should You Care? | Kathy Muzik

The Oxford Dictionary defines it as "a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized framework or method. ...more

Organizing and Learning to Organize

June 19, 20243 min read

What is a System? And Why Should You Care? | Kathy Muzik

Tidy or Accessible?  | Kathy Muzik

Many people say they want to get organized because their surroundings look messier than they would like. Others say it because they have difficulty finding necessary information. ...more

Organizing and Learning to Organize

June 05, 20243 min read

Tidy or Accessible?  | Kathy Muzik

You CAN Have Too Much of a Good Thing | Kathy Muzik

A short time ago, I shared that fiction books have become essential to my downtime and relaxation. After writing that article, I took a deeper dive into my book collection, and it was an eye-opening e... ...more

Organizing and Learning to Organize

May 29, 20242 min read

You CAN Have Too Much of a Good Thing | Kathy Muzik

Start Strong, Finish Stronger: Empowering Daily Routines | Kathy Muzik

While there is no magic formula, what's most important is that you incorporate elements that support your well-being. ...more

Organizing and Learning to Organize

April 17, 20243 min read

Start Strong, Finish Stronger: Empowering Daily Routines | Kathy Muzik

Redefining Productivity: Beyond the Pursuit of More | Kathy Muzik

Productivity is a popular word these days. For some, it conjures visions of widgets on an assembly line. In a broader sense, it refers to our work habits, level of organization (or disorganization), a... ...more

Organizing and Learning to Organize

March 13, 20244 min read

Redefining Productivity: Beyond the Pursuit of More | Kathy Muzik

Simple but Highly Effective Ways to Reduce Your Ties to Technology Without Completely Disconnecting | Andrea Anderson

Distractions can keep you from focusing on the truly important elements related to the success of your business as well as your personal life. The good news is that your connection to the online world... ...more

Organizing and Learning to Organize

March 04, 20243 min read

Simple but Highly Effective Ways to Reduce Your Ties to Technology Without Completely Disconnecting | Andrea Anderson

Overcoming Digital Chaos | Kathy Muzik

The constant barrage of emails can be overwhelming. It causes stress and affects communication, responsiveness, and overall business efficiency. ...more

Organizing and Learning to Organize

February 21, 20242 min read

Overcoming Digital Chaos | Kathy Muzik
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